Thanks and hello again to all the new folks checking out the site each day! We hope you’re enjoying looking at it as much as we enjoy making it.
We’ve been excited to hear all the good reports out of Dublin about the Glen & Liam (and, and…) gigs from Whelan’s on Monday and Tuesday night. Very cool! As part of this week’s update we’ve made a page for those gigs with the details we’ve been able to cull from various sources.
More updates from this past week include:
– 4 songs from a Marlay Park gig from 2004 (the Hollocaine rap!)
– a very nice tribute to For The Birds written by Ian Whitty for the Noise blog
– The Commitments performing Mustang Sally and Chain of Fools (incl short interview bit of Glen) on The Late, Late Show on RTE
– video by Patrick Glennon of Say It To Me Now from Glen’s recent City Winery gig in NYC
– video by the Vibe for Philo folks of Glen doing Thin Lizzy’s Jailbreak with the Hoodoo Rhythm Devils in January
– a new addition to Your Stories – a blog post about seeing The Frames for the first time in Philly in 2003
– a ticket scan from the Avalon gig in LA from 30 Nov 2010
– lastly, we put all of the Zoran Orlic photos we used on the homepage photo slideshow in January and February into the Photography section, so if you missed those the first time around you can see them there
Special thanks this week to Jackie, Patrick, Linda, Pamela, Heather and various folks on the Frames message board! : )
Until next time….