While GH gig pages have been going strong, we haven’t posted a news bit in almost exactly 2 years! As you probably already know, The Frames will be celebrating their big 30 this summer with a gig in Dublin on June 20th. The gig is sold out! Here’s the details that came out with the announcement:
The Frames : 30
Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin
Saturday June 20th 2020
Special guests to be announced
“There’s something about stepping back into the furious belly of this beast where the low bells chime around the parish, where time is swallowed and years slip by, this place where most of my hearing went in the sound of working it out from soaring angst to occasional pride into unmoored middle age. The songs grow too and change their meaning, till it all collapses together into the glorious bonfire that is The Frames…” – Glen Hansard
“A significant birthday should be celebrated. 2020 will mark The Frames’ 30th journey around the Sun. Most of that time has been spent travelling around the World, in and in celebration of, music. Where better to celebrate? One night in Dublin! Come join us!” – Colm Mac Con Iomaire