Support: The Lost Brothers
Before the show, Glen and Oisin busk in front of the venue, playing Van Morrisons’s ‘Into the Mystic’.
Main Set: Grace Beneath the Pines, You Will Become, My Little Ruin, High Hope, Philander, Talking with the Wolves, Leave*, McCormack’s Wall**, Stay the Road*, Astral Weeks (Van Morrison)*, Come Away to the Water, Paying My Way, Winning Streak, When Your Mind’s Made Up, Bird of Sorrow, Mustang Sally (Wilson Pickett), Seven Day Mile, Renata, Wedding Ring, Her Mercy***
Encore: Say It to Me Now*, Gold (Interference), Falling Slowly, The Lakes of Pontchartrain (Traditional), Small Town Talk**** (Bobby Charles), Tennessee Blues (Balham Alligators)*****, Revelate******, Lately (Stevie Wonder)*******, This Gift, The Auld Triangle (Brendan Behan)********
*Glen solo
**Glen solo, on piano
***with Moji Abiola
****Oisin, Mark, Glen and C.C. Adcock on guitar
*****Oisin and Mark on lead vocals, C.C. Adcock on guitar and Glen on bass
******Glen and Brad
*******Glen and Thomas
********verses by Glen, Simon, Oisin and Mark, and a coupla fellas in the audience, including one who improvised a verse about Bourbon Street
[Thanks to Ryan for the setlist.]
Band: Glen Hansard, Brad Albetta (bass), Thomas Bartlett (piano/percussion), Rob Moose (violin/mandolin/guitar)
Review: Where Y’at
Photos: by Erika Goldring, Steve Hatley
Into the Mystic (by davis61381)
Into the Mystic (by aron pritchett)
Compilation (by Lora K.)
High Hope (by astraltraveling)
Leave (by astraltraveling)
Bird of Sorrow (by Paige Pritchett)
The Lakes of Pontchartrain (by Pamela Fisher)
Small Town Talk (by Pamela Fisher)
The Auld Triangle (by Meloney Martin)
The Auld Triangle (by Leslie Pendleton)