Support Act: Lisa Hannigan
Main Set: You Will Become, Maybe Not Tonight, Talking with the Wolves, Love Don’t Leave Me Waiting – Respect (Aretha Franklin), Philander, When Your Mind’s Made Up, Low Rising, Bird of Sorrow, Leave*, In These Arms*, Back Broke*, High Hope, Fitzcarraldo, Song of Good Hope**
Encore: Falling Slowly***, O Sleep*** (Lisa Hannigan), This Gift, Don’t Do It (Marvin Gaye/The Band), Passing Through (Leonard Cohen)
*Glen solo
**Glen, Colm and strings
***with Lisa Hannigan
[Thanks to Olivier for the setlist.]
Notes (by Corrine and Ronny):
* It was a big venue – around 2500-3000 people and sold out. He played Zurich 4 months ago in a slightly smaller place and he said that he was happy to back in Zurich and mentioned that it is nice to be here as people show up in big crowds. (I yelled out to him that he didn’t say exactly the same thing about Zurich in Barcelona – he was surprised and impressed by my comment!)
* As it was a big crowd he wanted people to sing and so he got the crowd involved in ‘When Your Mind’s Made Up’, ‘Back Broke’ and ‘High Hope’ and that was a highlight for sure.
* For ‘Fitzcarraldo’, Ronan Dooney brought an alphorn on the stage. The band was so excited they took a lot of pictures.
* Glen told a story (both in Zurich and Barcelona) about spending an evening on a boat along the coast of Ireland last November (we assume before his tour with Eddie) with a big beard and being quite drunk. Apparently they tried to get to a lighthouse (but even the lighthouse told them to go away) and they crashed, but somehow they made it.
Band: Glen Hansard, Colm Mac Con Iomaire (violin), Joe Doyle (bass), Rob Bochnik (guitar), Graham Hopkins (drums), Justin Carroll (keys)
Brass: Curtis Fowlkes, Michael Buckley, Ronan Dooney
Strings: Local musicians
above also by X-Tra at Flickr
& by Rosa Paolicelli at Flickr
When Your Mind’s Made Up (by 11Nebula)
Fitzcarraldo – intro (by bboersch)
Falling Slowly (by bboersch)