Support: Tony Dekker
Main Set: The Storm, It’s Coming, Talking with the Wolves, Love Don’t Leave Me Waiting – Respect (Aretha Franklin), When Your Mind’s Made Up, Philander, Low Rising, Bird of Sorrow, Happy Birthday (Traditional)*, Leave*, Back Broke*, Astral Weeks (Van Morrison) – Smile (Pearl Jam)*, High Hope, This Gift, Fitzcarraldo
Encore: The Finish Line (Colm Mac Con Iomaire), Say it to Me Now*, Gold (Interference), Still Mind Still (Peter Katz), Don’t Do It (Marvin Gaye/The Band), Passing Through (Dick Blakeslee/Leonard Cohen)
*Glen solo
Notes: ‘Happy Birthday’ is sung to an audience member named Nicole. Another audience member called Olivia sings the second verse of ‘Say it to Me Now’. Peter Katz sings his song ‘Still Mind Still’ with the band. ‘Passing Through’ is performed while walking through the venue and out onto the street.
Poster by Matt & Andrew McCracken at Doublenaut
Review: Pop Matters (with pics)
Band: Glen Hansard, Colm Mac Con Iomaire (violin), Joe Doyle (bass), Rob Bochnik (guitar), Graham Hopkins (drums), Justin Carroll (keys)
Brass: Erik Lawrence, Curtis Fowlkes
Strings: Andra Makulans, Teddy Rankin Parker
photos by Ryan Kelpin
The Storm, It’s Coming (by DrGonzo1991)
Love Don’t Leave Me Waiting – Respect (by DrGonzo1991)
Bird of Sorrow (by DrGonzo1991)
Low Rising (by jennonaplane)
Leave (by jennonaplane)
Back Broke (by jennonaplane)
Say it to Me Now (by jennonaplane)
Gold (by jennonaplane)
Still Mind Still (by peterkatzmusic)