It was one year ago today that we had the idea to make this website. A whole year! The next day we had the name, and the day after that we started building it. The next 2 weeks that followed were full of many, many hours of online time at night, after the kids were in bed and in the in-between times of getting ready for the holidays. It was all totally worth it when we launched the site on Dec. 21 and got so much lovely and wonderful feedback.
Thanks to OITS, we’ve made new friends & acquaintances all over the world. Thanks to the Frames community for all your contributions and spending time on the site and thanks to the band for being awesome about it. It’s lead to many unexpected surprises, friendships and learning opportunities. Yeah, yeah it’s just a website, but it’s all true!
It’s worth noting that today the Once musical in NYC is having its Opening Night. We’re heading there together this weekend to see it ourselves and are quite excited as we’ve heard great things.
On to the updates!
(By the way- we just upgraded one of our video plugins and they are still working out some bugs, so if you see anything wacky going on with videos, please let us know. )
As most of you know we hosted an auction of stellar Frames related items to raise money for the Irish Fragile X Society. The final bid total was just over $1600! Thanks so much to all the amazing fans who tried their luck. Truly a grand effort and awesome help for the IFXS!
There’s been a little slew of gigs in the past 10 days or so, including the unbelievable Mic Tribute gig on the 29th. The list of songs and performers is mind-boggling. Check it out if you haven’t yet! Loads of gorgeous videos (enough that you may have to be extra patient while the page loads), you can just see the love there that night.
+ 26.11 – Heyday Festival – a celebration of Mic in his home town
+ 1.12 – Other Voices 10th Anniversary in Dingle. There’s a lovely preview of the weekend featuring the town and a little history of the program. What a beautiful place. Then we get a preview (in the form of God Bless Mom) of what’s to be released in 2012.
+ 2.12 – Glen joins Ronan Wilmot to benefit the New Theatre in Dublin
+ Glen took NPR’s World Cafe on a little tour of Dublin last month. Video and audio here.
+ We added a, um, unique fan story to Your Stories!
+ We’ve been keeping up with all the news and reviews of both the Once musical & the Swell Season movie when they pop up.
+ Oh and we’ve added one 2012 gig for Glen at the Rolling Stones ‘Hot Rocks’ Tribute at Carnegie Hall in NYC. (Reminds us we need to make a Glen 2012 section!)
Think that’s about it for now. You can keep up with us over at Twitter & Facebook as well where we blab more often. Enjoy the season!